Private note also popularly known as Privnote is one of the renowned and trustworthy web service providers, where people can type messages and send them to other people without any fear or problem. It is used by many people globally and is also one of the very few places on the internet, where you can do your task without thinking of anyone keeping an eye on you.
In this article, we will talk about some of the common questions related to Private Note and will try to provide their answers.
Is Private Note Private or Is It Run by a Government?
Private Note or Privnote is a completely private service provider and is not operated by any Government of any country. It is a very secure place where people can type their messages free without paying a single penny and send them to the receivers they want to send. It was never owned by any Government organization.
Do the Users Always Have to Copy and Paste the Links?
If you have used the official website of Private Note, then you should probably know by now that once you finish writing a message, you get a link that you are allowed to share via emails or nay messaging service apps so that the receiver can read the message. There are no other options apart from copying and pasting the link.
What to do If the Message is Sent to a Wrong Person?
There is nothing to worry about. Mistakes like this can often sometimes. There is no need to panic. All you have to do is copy and paste the link to your browser of any choice and open the link. Once you open the link the receiver cannot view the message even after opening the link. IF the receiver tries opening the link, he will get notified that the message was already viewed once before.
Will I Get Notified Once the Message is Read by the Receiver?
Yes, you will get notified once the receiver opens and read your message. But for that, you have to provide your email address in the notification box. Once the reader opens the link, you will automatically get notified by your email.
Is There Any Way to Re-read the Messages That Are Sent to the Readers?
There is no way by which a person can re-read the messages that he has sent to the receivers. An individual can only read a message once and not more than that. The message gets automatically deleted once it is viewed and it cannot be re-read again. The person has to prepare a separate message again on the official website of Private Note in that case.
After How Many Days do the Messages Get Automatically Deleted If It is Not Opened?
If the message is not opened or read by anyone, the message gets deleted automatically after 30 days. in other words, the maximum valid time limit of a message is a month and the reader has to open it within that time.